Every year I (Sarah) say that I am going to shop smaller and earlier, and every year I wait until the very last minute and order 80 things off Amazon. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Amazon and the convenience it offers. Because of Amazon Fresh, my groceries magically appear at my front door and as a work-from-home, virtual-Kindergarten mom-teacher, I need all the help I can get. But, 2020 has been a whole handful of surprises for small business owners like myself and Karla, and in many ways it has caused me to consider more where my money is going when buying these days.
So! For Christmas this year, I am trying my best to continue in that spirit and shop small whenever possible. I know many of you are feeling this way too. I know it because you have cheerfully come alongside Helmsie and supported us more than ever in 2020. Thankfulness is too small a word for how we feel about y'all!
I have included a small gift list for both mamas and littles. I have or am planning to buy each of these this year for my family or my friends (or myself!) -- mamas always need to add a few things to their own stocking to keep it even. Am I right or am I right? All links provided below!